P.O. Box 784 Kingston, ON  K7L 4X6

Community Outreach

Community Outreach

Support the All Our Relations Land Trust as they

Transport the Harvest to the People and the People to the Garden


The growing season is facing a critical challenge: Kingston has declared a food security emergency, and our main distribution partner, Loving Spoonful, has closed. 


This fundraiser will empower the Land Trust volunteers to deliver food and medicine to the community and bring the community to the garden to harvest and connect with the land. 


The money raised by sharing a pancake meal will enable us to implement a transportation and food-sharing plan that will allow us to get fresh garden harvests to the people and the people to the garden.

Outreach News for December 2022

We had a busy time prior to Christmas. Our participation in the United Marketplace Tour was very successful, allowing us to present a cheque for $1,638.00 to Kingston Interval House. 
In addition, a generous collection of warm socks, mitts, scarfs, (including 8 of Judy's lovely hand knit ones) and personal care products were delivered to the Kingston Youth Centre. 
Thanks to everyone who supported and assisted with these causes. We can be proud of Faith congregation's generosity to the needy in our community.


Outreach News!

Congratulations to everyone attending the BBQ, fun and social time.

It was wonderful to see so many come out on such a miserable, wet day and turn it into

an enjoyable experience. I think we all needed that time to reconnect and catch up as well as get

to know each other even better! The children were such a welcome addition!

Outreach News! 
"Dear friends of Faith
I am so very pleased to update you on the success
of our latest venture, raising funds for
The Mayor's Fund for Ukrainian Students in Kingston.
In a combination of the silent auction and monetary donations the total raised came to $1,160.75!
Once again our little church reached out with generosity and warm hearts."

From the Outreach Team

We have been busy preparing items for a silent auction!

All funds raised will go to "The Mayor's Fund for Ukrainian Students in Kingston".

This Outreach project has already been blessed with a cash donation and items to include in the silent auction 

from people outside of our congregation! God is good!

Everything will be available to view starting Sunday, April 10th at LaSalle.

Bid for yourself or for gifts to loved ones!

Your Outreach Committee is in the midst of organizing a 

fundraiser to raise money for "The Mayor's Fund for Student's from Ukraine".

There will be a silent auction including some of our Judy's handiwork and a beautiful gift basket!

Items will be on display at LaSalle starting Sunday April 10th.

Some of you may have already donated financially, though if not we of course welcome that also!

More news next week, with photos!!!

Faith's Outreach commitment to our community always considers our most vulnerable. Whether it is food insecurity, women and children in crisis, or homelessness, we are grateful to be in a position to offer our care and support. 

Besides our regular Food Bank donations we collected items for the Kingston Street Mission. The response was overwhelming!

Considering the terrible cold and icy weather during the week of the collection, the generosity of our congregation is nothing short of amazing! 

As well as an abundance of personal care items, there were numerous toques, scarfs, gloves and some warm fleece hoodies and vests given for the clients of the Mission who spend the majority of their days, and often overnight, outside. 

The Outreach Cookbook Project was a great success, with

the support of so many. Besides our Faith congregation there

were a number of members of SSUC who purchased Cookbooks,

plus some friends and neighbours.

Jacquie was pleased to present Kingston Interval House with a cheque 

for $877.92, which was way beyond expectation.

A note from Interval House:

" Dear Faith United Church, Thank you so much for your continued support of Kingston Interval House.

Your commitment to ending violence against women in our community is inspiring. 

Thank you for all that you do for our organization.

We hope you have a wonderful holiday and a fantastic New Year.

Sincerely, The Kingston Interval House Team."


Faith Reaches Out
In Faith’s vision statement we read “Faith will be sensitive to the needs of our own community and beyond”. The list below shows how we at Faith try to give back to the communities of which we are a part.

2020 Christmas Appeal:

There was a great response to two Christmas initiatives from our Faith community. We are “The little church with the big heart”!


Tree of Hope:

The Faith community made a generous donation to this charity again in 2020, through Family & Children’s Services, increasing its contribution 2 ½ times over the previous year. Due to COVID, Tree of Hope collected monetary donations instead of toys, clothing and personal items. The money was used to purchase gift cards so recipients across the region could shop independently. 


Necessities for women at risk:

The Faith community donated personal care items, hats, gloves, socks, and gift cards, as well as some monetary donations which were delivered to Kingston Interval House in time for Christmas.


Other donations included a winter clothing drive and Mac Freeman’s memorial donations for Walking the Path of Peace Together. So much love and caring to share.


Produce from gardens:

In the summer of 2020, members of the Faith community planted gardens on the Highway 15 land. Many deliveries of the produce from the land were made to Loving Spoonful.


Assistance during COVID:

Members of the Faith community assisted people unable to leave their homes during the pandemic with tasks such as grocery shopping.


2019 Great Garage Sale:

Early in the year the congregation came together to collect items for a garage sale, which was very successful in raising funds to be donated to Loving Spoonful.


2019 Pre-Christmas Fundraiser:

Volunteers and friends came together for this event, which included a Christmas Tea, craft and bake sale, Silent Auction, Face-painting, and children’s shopping table. The proceeds were donated to the LaSalle Secondary School Student Experience Enhancement Fund for needy students.


Kingston Literacy and Skills:  

From 2015 to 2019, Faith United Church participated in Kingston Literacy and Skills’ major annual fundraiser, the Grate Groan-Up Spelling Be. Faith’s three-person team, the Spells Angels, and a large group of cheerleaders dressed up and participated in this event, which raised funds for family and adult literacy programs.


Other Outreach initiatives included:

-      Collecting eyeglasses for the Lions’ Club to be distributed overseas;

-      Tickets were purchased from Martha’s Table to give out to the city’s hungry;

-      Monthly donations to the Food Bank.

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