P.O. Box 784 Kingston, ON  K7L 4X6

Our Council

Our Council


At the 2010 Annual General Meeting the congregational approved a Church Council Structure. We have three main committees: Stewardship & Finance, Worship, and Ministry & Personnel. Within the Worship committee there are separate teams / people with different responsibilities:


  • Community Building who organize all our social activities within the church, including snacks after church etc.
  • Christian Education involves those people who help to organize Kid’s Quest and the Adult Educational study groups that we run like the “Talkback” series.


The other Teams and Committees that report directly to the Council are:


  • Outreach who organize all Outreach work into the community and wider world.
  • Communications and Publicity who keep both the church congregation and the wider world informed about goings on in the church.


Co-Chairs: Suzanne Savard & Rev. Catherine Elsdon

Past Chair: Vacant

Vice Chair: Vacant

Minister: Rev. Catherine Elsdon

Secretary and Chair of Outreach Committee: Jacquie Simpson

Chair Worship Committee, Music Director and Representative of Spiritual Care Team:

Charlotte Clark

Chair Ministry and Personnel: Sona Moffat

Co-Chair Land Council: Pat Roebuck

Chair Finance and Stewardship: Vacant 

Treasurer: Kirby Ruthven (from Sydenham Street United Church)

Lay Representative at East Central Ontario Regional Council (ECORC): Sally Weir

Chair of Board of Trustees: Pier Schurer 

Members at Large: 

Judy Mercer (also Envelope Steward) 

Sheryl Gillespie

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