At the 2010 Annual General Meeting the congregational approved a Church Council Structure. We have three main committees: Stewardship & Finance, Worship, and Ministry & Personnel. Within the Worship committee there are separate teams / people with different responsibilities:
The other Teams and Committees that report directly to the Council are:
Co-Chairs: Suzanne Savard & Rev. Catherine Elsdon
Past Chair: Vacant
Vice Chair: Vacant
Minister: Rev. Catherine Elsdon
Secretary and Chair of Outreach Committee: Jacquie Simpson
Chair Worship Committee, Music Director and Representative of Spiritual Care Team:
Charlotte Clark
Chair Ministry and Personnel: Sona Moffat
Co-Chair Land Council: Pat Roebuck
Chair Finance and Stewardship: Vacant
Treasurer: Kirby Ruthven (from Sydenham Street United Church)
Lay Representative at East Central Ontario Regional Council (ECORC): Sally Weir
Chair of Board of Trustees: Pier Schurer
Members at Large:
Judy Mercer (also Envelope Steward)
Sheryl Gillespie
Meeting in ”Little Theatre” in Lasalle Intermediate & Secondary School,
773 Highway 15, Kingston ON.
Proud member of the United Church of Canada Proud member of Affirm United
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